Baar Eterlan - 2008-09-08 21:39:12

Tibia Tales: Tower Defence

Nagrody: 50 Earth Arrows 50 Flaming Arrows 50 Flash Arrows 50 Shiver Arrows

Wymagnia: Fire Bug Machete

¤ Wolf
¤ Goblin
¤ Pig
¤ Bat
¤ Cyklops
¤ Goblin leader

Podobne soulcje: … mulet.html

Quest ten należy raczej do najłatwiejszych. Na początku idziemy do Bunny Bonecrusher, która znajduje się na poziomie +1, zamku królowej. Następnie rozpoczynamy rozmowę:
Gracz: Hail General
Bunny Bonecrusher: Salutations, commoner Gracz!
Gracz: Mission
Bunny Bonecrusher: Normally we don't assign missions to civilians - and particularly to no MALE civilians - but in this case I think we can make an exception. ...
Bunny Bonecrusher: I need a courier to deliver a parcel to the watchtower in Femor Hills. You think you can handle that??
Gracz: Yes

Dostalismy parcel. Nastepnie, musimy pojsc do NPC Thanita na Fermor Hills, jak tam dojść? Przedstawi poniższa mapka!

Gracz: Hello
Thanita: How could you sneak up on me like this? I thought you were one of THEM! Well, since you are not, what brings you to this wilderness?
Gracz: Mission
Thanita: Oh great! Supplies from Carlin! Let me see ...<she digs into the parcel>...ahh, nothing meaningful at all, like always. Well, before I give you the password for the delivery, you have to help me! ...
Thanita: I have massive problems with the goblin tribe that lives here. You look strong enough to face their leader but you need to be smart to lure him out. ...
Thanita: I heard they don't like fire very much, maybe that's worth a try. Their beds are mostly made of straw which is known as easily inflammable. ...
Thanita: The entrance to their cave is at the pond south east of here.
Gracz: Mission
Thanita: I told you all I know about the goblins. Kill their king and life here at the watchtower will return to normal.
Gracz: Bye
Thanita: Take good care of yourself traveller. Would be a shame to lose such a courageous wanderer to those green monsters.

Następnie idziemy na Power Ring Quest, tylko, ze tym razem od skrzynek z nagrodami idziemy najpierw w lewo, następnie na północ i w prawo, podpalamy sianko (używamy na nim fire buga), zabijamy Goblin Leadera, wchodzimy w teleport i wracamy do Thanity. Nie wiesz gdzie jest power ring quest? Popatrz w "Podobne soulcje". Podpalona słoma ma wyglądać tak:

Rozmawiamy z Thanita:
Gracz: Hello
Thanita: How could you sneak up on me like this? I thought you were one of THEM! Well, since you are not, what brings you to this wilderness?
Gracz: Mission
Thanita: Impressive!! I could need someone like you here at the watchtower! Okay, the password you need to tell Bunny is hasło. Come back and visit me if you like to!
Gracz: Bye

Zapamiętaj podane przez nią hasło! Dla każdego jest ono inne! (tzn. powtarzają się ale co kilka osób ;P)

Wracamy do Bunny Bonecrusher i rozmawiamy:
Gracz: Hail general!
Bunny Bonecrusher: Salutations, commoner Player!
Gracz: Mission
Bunny Bonecrusher: Alright, you delivered the parcel. So what is the password Thanita told you?
Gracz: hasło
Bunny Bonecrusher: That's right. Here is your reward some elementary arrows. You did pretty well on your mission!
Gracz: Bye
Bunny Bonecrusher: LONG LIVE THE QUEEN!

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